Highest Yoga Tantra Commentary with Geshe Sonam

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Participation in Geshe Sonam’s Vajrayana teachings requires an empowerment into a deity practice of Highest Yoga Tantra such as Cakrasaṃvara, VajrayoginīYamāntaka, Kālacakra, or Guhyasamāja, regardless of lineage.

While all students with a highest yoga tantra initiation are permitted to attend the commentaries on Six Session Guru Yoga, Heruka Cakrasaṃvara, and Vajrayoginī, it should be understood that only those with an initiation into the Cakrasaṃvara such as the Ghantapa Five Deity Heruka, Ghantapa Body Mandala of Heruka, or the Luipa 62 Deity Heruka are permitted to fully engage in the sadhana and practice the self-generation as Cakrasaṃvara, and similarly, it should be understood that only those with an initiation into Vajrayoginī, are permitted to fully engage in the sadhana and practice the self-generation as Vajrayoginī.

Although Geshe la will present the commentaries as a dharma friend wishing to aid students in understanding the teachings and not require a vajra guru-disciple relationship, he does request that students maintain a deep and stable respect and faith for the profound Vajrayāna teachings, and avoid developing wrong views.

July 27th, 2024 10:00 AM